Simple Lower Third

by Caleb Denio

lower-third html simple overlay JSON

Simple Lower Third

This lower third is extremely easy to set up and use. However, it also offers a pretty cool level of customization.

Getting started

Just extract the downloaded .zip file into your CasparCG template/ directory. You can then go ahead and play the template with CG 1 ADD 1 SIMPLE-LOWER-THIRD/SIMPLE-LOWER-THIRD 1.


Parameters are sent via the CG UPDATE command, and must be sent as a JSON string. If you’re in CasparCG Client, just check that little “Send as JSON” box.

text - String (required) Set the text to be displayed in the lower third.

font - Any valid CSS font-family Set the font of the lower third.

Fallback fonts can be setup with commas e.g. Raleway, Montserrat, Lato, sans-serif. If your font has a space in the name, please surround it with double quotes e.g. "Comic Sans"

font_weight - Any valid CSS font-weight Set the font weight of the lower third.

Examples: bold, normal, 700. Please note the underscore in the parameter name.

color - Any valid CSS color Set the color of the text.

Examples: #00AFFF, rgb(0, 175, 255), blue, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)

background_color - Any valid CSS color Set the background color of the lower third.

As above, please note the underscore in the parameter name.

Simple Lower Third